Friday, July 24, 2015

I've Moved

And I don't want to delete this blog.

Catch me at:

Sunday, December 14, 2014


I have a confession to make. I forgot about you. :/

I think I'm back.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Where Have I Been?

I used to blog right? I should pick that up again!

Quick update. I moved to LA. Yay!

I live in a house and have two roommates. Yay!

I have a cool internship with Ambush Entertainment. Yay!

I washed my car today. Yay!

I work on American Idol sometimes. Yay!

I'm single. Yay-ish.

I'm writing a new project. Yay!

More updates in the near future.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Quickie Update

I feel like I'm neglecting you, so I'll give ya a quick update.

1. I had a birthday last week. It was a major one. Guess which. It was good and it was bad. There were tears, laughter, friendship, sight seeing, food and drink, and all that good stuff involved. Will post pics eventually.

2. I'm moving to LA. Officially. In about 10 days. I have nothing but my menial job lined up. Looking to get my hustle on. Forreal. (If you know peeps in LA, help a friend out. The more contacts the better.)

3. After said major birthday, I'm reevaluating my life and hoping to gain the things I want in the near future. Been thinking a lot about that. I have a weird sense of entitlement and lofty goals and dreams.

4. I just finished Season 2 of "Girls" and Hannah is doing the most. I think I'm more into the boys of "Girls" than the girls of "Girls."

5. I'm nervous about my jump to LA. Very nervous. Pray for me.

6. I'm liking the Bay Area a lot more. It's very beautiful.

7. I think I'm going to retire from the bar scene. It stems from my inability to drink and drive. Not interested and not really interested in the people in bars, so I guess I shall try to be social elsewhere. Or I could continue to be antisocial, but let's be real, my name is Cynsetional for a reason.

That's it for now. Love ya!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Dating Coworkers

I don't date coworkers (anymore). I learned my lesson.

Last week, one of my coworkers asked me to go to the zoo. I heard zoo and I jumped on it. Animals, sunshine, a friend, why the hell not, right? WRONG. When he started acting weird and nervous and FORMAL about our plans, I realized, hey, maybe this isn't a friendly trip to the zoo, maybe it's I didn't realize this coworker, who is probably twenty years my senior and who I thought was a homosexual, was pursuing me. I was so hungry for friendship that I was blinded.

I slipped my way out of the zoo trip, which I'm still sad about because I like the zoo! But more than I like the zoo, I hate feeling tricked into going on dates with people I am not interested in at all. When I mentioned the situation to another female coworker, this is what she said, "He likes to date the granddaughters not the grandmothers." Eww, especially since he's a grandfather.

Also, she told me his last girlfriend was 21 and had down syndrome. Seriously. Good for her, but what does that say about me?